Covering Census 2020

View the Project on GitHub mjwebster/NICAR_Census2020

What data is available and how do I access it?

Census Data Products Plan pdf

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Participation rates by county, 2000 and 2010

Hard to Count Areas map, by CUNY Mapping Services, integrates into one place many of the resources and information that the Census Bureau provides (and other data the Bureau doesn’t provide) to help census stakeholders ensure a fair and accurate 2020 count. In March 2020, they will add the daily updates of the 2020 response rates.

2020 Census Paid Media Buy List

Net undercounts and overcounts for cities and counties over 100,000 population. Here are key bits from the Census Bureau notes: “This total population cutoff of 100,000 included the housing unit and group quarters population…We generated root mean squared error estimates in 2010 to capture the potential bias introduced from synthetic estimation. The root mean squared error provided an indication of how much error there might be in the 2010 estimates at these lower levels of geography.; For the 2000 estimates, we displayed the only measure of uncertainty that was available, the synthetic standard error, which does not capture the potential bias introduced from synthetic estimation. Hence, the 2000 measures of uncertainty may understate the error. None of the 2010 estimates showed a significant overcount or undercount. We displayed the Census 2000 results for reference. Report is here

Mid-March 2020:

Find daily updates of the 2020 response rates down to census tract beginning March 20 through end of June. They are supposed to expose an API as well.

Feb-March 2021:

Redistricting File (P.L. 94-171). This contains race and ethnicity breakdowns for the whole population in each geography, plus the same breakdowns for the voting age population. It also contains one table identifying how many housing units are occupied or vacant.

Summer 2021:

Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC) will be where you find the bulk of the more interesting data tables. This replaces Summary File 1. There will be crosswalks available to help marry this new format back to 2010 data.

Demographic Profiles: Select demographic and housing characteristics compiled in easy-to-use tables (multiple topics in each table).

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